
How To Create Good Content For Blog

how to write great blog content

Successful bloggers have to keep their heads around many different aspects of the medium – but at it's core is being able to write compelling and engaging content on a consistent basis over time.

How you do this will vary from blogger to blogger to some extent as each blogger has their own style – however there are some basic principles of writing great blog content that might be worth keeping in mind.

Below are a few of the lessons I've learned on the topic over the years.

Update: Here at ProBlogger we're constantly creating more tutorials on how to create great blog content for your blog. Stay up to the latest by subscribing to the FREE ProBlogger Plus Membership.

Where to Start

How to Craft a Blog Post – This is a series of posts that walk bloggers through a variety of points on blog writing that can make a good post great.


  • Make Your Writing Scannable – one of the most important tips for online writing
  • How Long Should a Blog Post Be? – another common question about writing posts
  • Using Titles Effectively on Blogs – one of the most important elements of a blog post is it's title – here's why they are important and how to write them


  • Marinating Ideas into Blog Posts – My Posting Workflow – how I work up an idea into a post
  • How Often Should a Blogger Post – considerations when thinking about posting frequency
  • How to Write a Successful Series on Your Blog – 10 steps that I use for writing a series of posts on my blogs
  • Why Guest Posts are Great for a Blog – the start of a series of post son guest blogging


  • Declaring War on Blog Apathy – once you've been blogging for a while it's easy to lose motivation and let it slip. This article is all about how to keep your blog moving forward.
  • 7 Days to Rediscovering Your Blogging Groove – a simple way to find things to write about on your blog over 7 days
  • 20 Types of Blog Posts – part of my Battling Bloggers Block series

Principles of Successful Content Creation

  • How to Eliminate the Echo Chamber and Add to the Conversation – make your blog stand out from the crowd, say something original and grow your blog
  • The 4 Pillars of Writing Exceptional Blogs – how to write great content for your blog
  • Writing Good Content – the two basic elements of good blog content – usefulness and uniqueness
  • How to Write Excellent Blog Content – a post looking back on what we wish we knew about writing great blog content


  • How to Make Your RSS Feeds POP! – a series on how to develop a compelling RSS feed, how to grow your RSS readership and how to get RSS readers visiting your actual blog

How To Create Good Content For Blog


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